Product Validation


As individual as your desired product, we customize our fully media-conditioned test equipment to your product-specific requirements. We select our special measuring instruments specifically according to your development tasks.

You benefit from our diverse capabilities in measurement technology:

  • Speed, force, torque and power measurement
  • Temperature and pressure measurement
  • Mass, volume flow and density measurement
  • Distance and force measurement
  • Strain, acceleration and torsional vibration measurement

Apart from efficiency determinations (hydraulic, mechanical, electrical), we also carry out friction determinations and service life tests for you. In addition, emission measurements (fine dust, gaseous, liquid) are part of our test portfolio. For any questions or requests, please contact us.

Project Examples

Besides our wealth of experience in powertrain testing, we also have extensive know-how in component and product testing. In the following, you will find project examples regarding functional, endurance and trouble-shooting testing:

  • Map  measurement of pumps
  • Durability run and optimisation of electromagnetic actuators
  • Function test and durability run of moving cables
  • Cold start tests and application of industrial engines
  • Durability tests (> 400 h) of brush cutters with electric start
  • Function tests, optimisation and durability run for special components (e. g. high-pressure pump for mining)
  • Oil foaming measurement
  • Measurements on electrical actuators
Meta Motoren- und Energie-Technik GmbH